Kovačić, Andreja.
The use of web 2.0 tools in the acquisition of grammatical structures in English as a foreign language.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of English Language and Literature.
(PDS Glotodidaktika)
[mentor Mihaljević Djigunović, Jelena and Seljan, Sanja].
The advent of the Web 2.0 concept and e-learning 2.0 paradigm over a decade ago coincided
with a heightened interest in constructivist, learner-oriented pedagogies in foreign language
instruction. Within the sociocultural theoretical framework, second language acquisition is seen
as arising from the interaction of an individual with his/her social and cultural context, with the
notion of learning as an individual and social process in which meaning arises from and is
mediated by language, physical artefacts and technological tools.
In the domain of web 2.0 technologies, integration of writing and grammar is most
frequently associated with wikis as a collaborative writing tools used for projects that are
typically focused on the development of conceptual knowledge in FL instruction. Numerous
studies provide evidence for the fact that during collaborative writing in a wiki students
participate in negotiation of meaning and form, which also implies explicit communication
about grammar. However, there are relatively few examples of applications of wikis in literature
in which students are primarily involved in describing linguistic structures as the topic of their
collaborative work. Consequently, the evidence on the effectiveness of such an approach to
grammar is scarce.
The research in this thesis addresses this research gap by analysing factors that may
influence the successfulness of using web 2.0 tools in online teaching of EFL grammar in terms
of contributing to the development of linguistic (i.e. grammatical) competence and enhancing
learning experience. In the context of e-learning 2.0 and constructivism, students in a tertiary
hybrid English for Specific Purposes course were engaged in out-of-class grammar e-tivities.
In addition to the class wiki used to support the co-construction and publishing of the written
output (i.e. textual description of grammatical structures on wiki pages), several other
asynchronous web 2.0 tools were used for visualisation and graphic knowledge organization in
artefacts that supplemented the textual description.
The research in this dissertation was conducted in two stages, i.e. preliminary study and
main study, in two subsequent academic years, within the same undergraduate EFL course. The
goals of the preliminary research were to; (1) determine the applicability of web 2.0 tools in the
implementation of grammar e-tivities by investigating the respondents’ perception of using
such tools in grammar instruction, as well as their assessment of various aspects of the hybrid
EFL course; (2) validate the instrument – survey questionnaire – that would be used in the main
study. In order to examine the effects of the usage of web 2.0 tools, in the main study the
quasiexperimental research design was employed. Unlike the experimental group, in which the
acquisition of target structures was aided by web 2.0 technologies, respondents in the control
group were only able to use conventional tools and systems (MS Word and Moodle LMS) to
perform collaborative grammar e-tivities. The main study was aimed at: (1) establishing the
effect of implementing web 2.0 tools in collaborative e-tivities on the acquisition of target
grammatical structures that the respondents were involved with while performing the tasks (i.e.
describing grammar topics in the wiki); (2) examine the respondents’ perception of the hybrid
EFL course and the conducted e-tivities in which constructivist principles were combined with
the use of web 2.0 tools, and grammar instruction was integrated with collaborative writing; (3)
exploring the correlation between the acquired knowledge of grammatical structures (measured
by the retest upon the completion of the experiment) and other variables (several learner
variables including individual differences and computer literacy as well as situational
In addition to the survey questionnaire, the data in the main research were collected by
means of grammar tests (pre-test, retest and post-test) to assess the level of respondents’
knowledge of the target structures. The target morphosyntactic structures had been selected on
the basis of the diagnostic test before the experiment and included: reported speech; conditional
sentences; causative have; participle clauses; subjunctive and structures for expressing unreal
past. The questionnaire, which was administered shortly after the completion of the experiment
in both groups of respondents, was used to measure various psychological variables (individual
differences, perception of the hybrid EFL course and the conducted e-tivities), computer
literacy and the perception of situational variables related to e-tivies implementation.
The results indicate that, in terms of the level of acquisition of target grammatical
structures, no statistically significant positive effect of using web 2.0 tools was found in the
experimental group in comparison to the control group in which grammar e-tivities were
performed by using conventional technological tools. In terms of e-tivities perception,
statistically significant differences in favour of the use of web 2.0 technologies were
established for two out of three dimensions of e-tivities perception: interaction among
participants and e-tivies methodology/implementation. With regards to respondents’ evaluation
of the hybrid course at the end of the instruction cycle, no statistically significant differences
were established between two groups of respondents, although in both groups all the three
aspects of the EFL course (i.e. satisfaction with the course; course interestingness and
usefulness; achieved learning outcomes) obtained fairly positive ratings. In the experimental group, which used a wiki and other web 2.0 tools in e-tivities,
correlation between the grammatical competence (defined as the level of acquisition of the
target structures resulting from the performance of collaborative grammar e-tivities by means
of web 2.0 tools) and individual differences, computer literacy, and situational factors was also
examined. In the correlation analysis the only two statistically significant interrelationships that
were found were those between grammatical competence (expressed as retest score) and
perception of self-efficacy and effort in using the computer (negative correlation), respectively.
However, multiple statistically significant correlations were identified among the non-linguistic
variables (for, example, between motivation and other variables).
It can be concluded that the results of the empirical research in this dissertation indicate
moderate potential benefits of the use of web 2.0 tools (in particular, wikis and several other
asynchronous web 2.0 tools for content visualization) in grammar instruction based on
collaborative learning in a hybrid course. On the other hand, some issues related to their
implementation highlight the challenges of constructivist pedagogies in grammar instruction,
Finally, the findings of the research provide evidence for the importance of considering
individual differences as factors which, along with the pedagogical approach, task type, and
tools supporting the instruction, may determine the process of learning.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
hybrid instruction, e-learning 2.0, web 2.0 technologies, wiki, e-tivities,
grammatical competence, perception, individual differences, quasiexperiment |
Subjects: |
English language and literature |
Departments: |
Department of English Language and Literature |
Supervisor: |
Mihaljević Djigunović, Jelena and Seljan, Sanja |
Additional Information: |
PDS Glotodidaktika |
Date Deposited: |
14 May 2019 09:24 |
Last Modified: |
14 May 2019 09:24 |
URI: |
http://darhiv.ffzg.unizg.hr/id/eprint/11338 |
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