Botica, Ivan.
Zadar i njegovo hrvatstvo u očima fra Šimuna Milinovića.
Zbornik Nikše Stančića / uredila Iskra Iveljić.
Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, FF-Press, Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta, Zagreb, pp. 165-185.
ISBN 9789531753487
Franciscan Šimun Milinović - history professor, director of the Franciscan high school in Sinj, archbishop of Bar and primate of Serbia - was one of the leading intellectuals of the Dalmatian hinterland between 1860's and 1880's. Although not activelv involved in politics, he was a supporter of the National Party in Dalmatia and close friend of its leader don Mihovil Pavlinović. Milinović was a Croatian patriot and Yugoslav sympathizer, a catholic with ecumenical vision and a fighter for the preservation of the Old Slavonic liturgy. Thus he was in closest circle of Strossmaver's friends. It was on Strossmaver's recommendation that Milinović was elected in 1886th as Archbishop of the Bar in the predominantly Orthodox country of Montenegro. In his articles related to the Dalmatian history he constantly showes that Dalmatia has a strong Croatian mark in all segments of its past. The paper analyses Milinović's articles that reflected his views on the capital of Austrian Dalmatia, Zadar. In his time, Zadar was the only consistent autonomist community in Austrian Dalmatia. His postulate has been that Zadar in the past was purely Croatian city and that it was italianized only in the time of Austrian Dalmatia.
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