Vujčić, Maja.
Sex differences in social desirability responding: Are women saints and men superheros?.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology.
[mentor Galić, Zvonimir].
Socially desirable responding is usually defined as the tendency to give overly positive selfdescriptions.
In this study, occasional samle of students was questioned (N=384). Participants
were describing themselves first honestly on questionnaire and then they were answering
again. Half of participants got instruction for self-presentation fakegood – egoistic and the
other half fakegood – moralistic. In this study we used A Comprehensive Inventory of
Desirable Responding (CIDR) that is divided into four dimensions. The aim of this study was
to test are there sex differences in honest answering and in the situations with instructions for
fakegood self-presentation. When participats are answering honestly, women have higher
results on Communal Enhancement and men have higher results on Agentic Enhancement and
there are no sex differences on Agentic Management and Communal Management. In
situation with egoistic bias results increased on all scales. In situation with moralistic bias
results increased on all scales and show significant effect of interaction on Communal
Enhancement and Communal Management. Conclusion is that women and men answer tipical
with their sex roles when they are answering honestly, but in the situation with instruction for
fakegood self-presentation they answer androgynous. Results show that there is egoistic and
moralistic bias, but CIDR can't differ conscious and unconscious bias.
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