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Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
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Spolne razlike u općoj informiranosti


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Kovač, Marijana. (2013). Spolne razlike u općoj informiranosti. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology. [mentor Zarevski, Predrag].

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The main goal of this study was to examine gender differences in general knowledge. The study included 817 subjects of the 3th and 4th year of high schools in Croatia. Secondary schools were split in the gymnasiums and vocational schools, and in the larger city (Zagreb) and smaller cities (Pula, Poreč, Pakrac, Bjelovar). The sample consisted of 362 male and 455 female participants. The new version of the general knowledge test (TOI) was used, which is composed of 110 items from various areas of knowledge. Cronbach's coefficient indicates a very high reliability of the test (α=0.882), for male participants it is α=0.89, and for women's α=0.85. In accordance with previous studies, the results of this study showed better performance of male participants in total score on the TOI test compared to female participants. Also, a significant difference in the success in the number of categories for men was obtained. High school students in Zagreb achieved better results on tests than the high school students from other cities, while students in the gymnasiums were more successful in achieving the test of vocational school students. The results of this study, using hierarchical regression analysis have showed that the strongest determinant of general knowledge is type of school, then a place of education, and the weakest predictor is gender. Predictor variables explained 30.6% of total variance criteria.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: general knowledge, high school students, gender differences
Subjects: Psychology > Kognitivna psihologija
Departments: Department of Psychology
Supervisor: Zarevski, Predrag
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2015 12:34
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2015 12:34

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