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English articles - insights from L2 learners


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Marijan, Josip. (2016). English articles - insights from L2 learners. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of English Language and Literature. [mentor Geld, Renata].

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This thesis compares two approaches to designing teaching materials. One of them is based on the traditional approach to grammar and the other is based on the cognitive approach to grammar. Two groups of high-school students were tested in order to determine their pre-existing knowledge of English articles. After that, the two groups were taught according to two different lesson plans, and they were tested again immediately after the lessons were over. They were tested for the third time two weeks after the lessons. The traditional group showed slight improvement and the cognitive group showed substantial improvement.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: English article system, L2 learners, cognitive grammar, approaches to teaching pedagogy
Subjects: English language and literature
Departments: Department of English Language and Literature
Supervisor: Geld, Renata
Date Deposited: 22 Feb 2016 11:18
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2016 11:18

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