Šlogar, Tomislav.
Mobitel kao sredstvo kontrole individualnog vremena.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology.
[mentor Čaldarović, Ognjen].
The paper examines whether individuals can use mobile phone as an
empowering tool in their everyday lives due to the possibilities of gaining control over
the individual time that this device can offer. This paper aims to explore whether the
wireless technology, in our case the mobile phone, holds the potential to increase the
control over timing and time coordination, and to examine if the ability to communicate
more frequently and asynchronously could be harnessed to save time rather than
fragmenting it. The first part of the paper considers time and mobile phone as objects of
sociological study, the second part examines the relationship between communication
technologies and time and considers certain dimensions of everyday use of this device,
and the last part explains the relationship between the mobile phone and the control
over individual time by connecting the elements previously examined in the paper.
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