Kota, Paula.
Praška lingvistička škola i jezična tipologija.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature.
[mentor Vuković, Petar].
The main task in the first part of the paper is to describe the Prague Linguistic Circle (Prague school), its methods, approaches, main concepts and prominent members. The Prague Linguistic Circle was founded in 1926 and soon promulgated the key aspect of its research program in which strong emphasis was laid on combination of structuralism with functionalism. The School itself is considered to be a combination of traditional linguistic models and the modern approach of the young scholars of that time. Among the most prominent members of the school were Vilém Mathesius, Roman Jakobson, Bohuslav Havránek, Vladimír Skalička, and many others. The second part of the paper is focused on work of Vladimír Skalička and his concept of language typology which had been his life-long concern. According to him, in every laguage in the world there's a one language type, ideal construct, a combination of its various characteristics which distinguish it from any other language. At first, he described four language types: inflectional, agglutinating, isolating and polysynthetic. Later on, he developed the concept by adding introflectional language type and even took into account the possible inclusion of two more types into his system, the ergative and the active type. Skalička classified language types based on morphologic characteristics of the given language, but at the same time, he also studied further language levels, including phonology, syntax, and in some cases even lexicology, semantics and word formation. The main advantage of his concept is emancipation of the language from its psychological connotations and systematization. On the other hand, and that's the biggest limitation of the concept, even though the single language is dominated by one language type, it doesn't exclude the presence of other types elements in the given language.
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