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Relativni udio kognitivnih čimbenika i osobina ličnosti u objašnjavanju praznovjerja


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Mesić, Ante. (2015). Relativni udio kognitivnih čimbenika i osobina ličnosti u objašnjavanju praznovjerja. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology. [mentor Galić, Zvonimir].

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The aim of this study was to investigate the predictability of superstious beliefs using some cognitive factors and personality traits. The following problems have been set: (1) Investigate the correlation between cognitive factors (intelligence, cognitive reflexivity and rational – intuitive thinking) and superstitious beliefs; (2) Investigate the correlation between personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and intellect) and superstitious beliefs; (3) Investigate the predictive validity of cognitive factors and personality traits in predicting superstitious beliefs. The participants were selected occasionally – 86 psychology students (75 females; 10 men; 1 undefined); participants were considered regarding the criteria of all presented measures solved. The average age was 20,9 years (SD=1,34) and the age range was 19-27 years. Rational thinking, referring to need for cognition, correlates with superstitious beliefs negatively. Intuitive thinking, referring to faith in intuition, correlates with superstitious beliefs positively. It is shown that emotional stability, only of all the personality traits, correlates with superstitious beliefs, negatively. Although the cognitive factors successfully predict superstitious beliefs, the personal traits did it poorly. It appears that, beside the emotional stability, personality traits cannot predict superstitious beliefs. The results presented in this research place superstitious beliefs predominantly in the cognitive domain. This research’s main deficiencies can be found in our participants’ structure – occasional selection, relatively small number and gender unleveled participants. The quality metric characteristics have not been repeated in our research for all the measures, which addresses to necessity for further validation and/or construction the more appropriate measures for domestic population.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: superstitious beliefs, rational – intuitive thinking, intelligence, cognitive reflexivity, personality
Subjects: Psychology > Kognitivna psihologija
Psychology > Psihologija ličnosti
Departments: Department of Psychology
Supervisor: Galić, Zvonimir
Date Deposited: 08 Jun 2016 07:02
Last Modified: 08 Jun 2016 07:02

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