Kanižaj, Karmen.
Approach to Languages in the Croatian Education System.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of English Language and Literature.
[mentor Letica Krevelj, Stela].
The aim of this paper was to examine the approach to languages in the Croatian education
system (language teaching in primary and secondary schools) in order to find out to what extent
Croatian language policies described in national documents comply with objectives and
standards of the European Union presented in many official documents by the Council of
Europe, such as Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), The
Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA) or
Guide for the Development and Implementation of Curricula for Plurilingual and Intercultural
Education, and how far we are from creating a society of plurilingual and pluricultural
individuals, which multilingual and multicultural European Union aspires to. We were also
interested in tracing the evidence of positive attitudes and skills which should aid the
development of plurilingual and pluricultural competence in the chapter Language and
communication area in the National curriculum (Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa,
2010, pp. 30-79). It was discovered that not many skills and resources in the National curriculum
comply with those in the FREPA, and a bigger number of those that do is not connected with
language (plurlingualism), but with culture (pluriculturalism). It was also discovered that the
number of languages taught in Croatian primary and secondary schools as a part of obligatory
programme does not correspond with the objectives of the European Union that every citizen
should be able to use at least two foreign languages in addition to their mother tongue, i.e. every
student in Croatia is not given a chance to learn at least two foreign languages in the course of
their obligatory education, so they would be able to use them as adults.
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