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Strategic construal of in and out in English PV constructions in Croatian and Czech learners


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Tvorek, Antonia. (2017). Strategic construal of in and out in English PV constructions in Croatian and Czech learners. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of English Language and Literature
Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Geld, Renata and Jajić Novogradec, Marina].

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The central aim of this thesis was to describe the strategic construal (i.e. meaning construal in L2) of in and out in English particle verbs. We will investigate the “semantic determination” (Geld 2009) of PVs with in and out, which had been found to be divided into topological and lexical determination. Moreover, the aim was to see to what extent Croatian and Czech learners of English were aware of the symbolic nature of language and specific contributions of grammatical elements in their conceptual structure. 3 The work is organized as follows: chapter one gives a general introduction into learning strategies and their classification, chapter two defines particle verbs and explains their nature, chapter three introduces idiomaticity and compositionality as fundamental to the semantics of particle verbs; chapter four describes previous research; chapter five introduces research aims and hypotheses, the instrument used, the sample and research procedure, and the data; chapter six describes and discusses results and chapter seven provides conclusions.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Subjects: English language and literature
Slavic languages and literatures > West Slavic languages and literatures - Czech
Departments: Department of English Language and Literature
Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature
Supervisor: Geld, Renata and Jajić Novogradec, Marina
Date Deposited: 21 Feb 2017 11:31
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2017 11:31

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