Grgurinović, Anja.
Aporije prosvijećenog diskursa : (anti)morlakizam u djelima Alberta Fortisa i Ivana Lovrića.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of History.
[mentor Blažević, Zrinka].
The aim of the paper is to offer new perspectives in the analysis of Morlacchism as a discourse within the theoretical and methodological framework of historical imagology, through the examples of two prominent texts of the Enlightenment: Alberto Fortis' Travels into Dalmatia and Ivan Lovrić's Observations on Travels into Dalmatia by the Abbé Alberto Fortis and The Life of Stanislav Sočivica. Although historical imagology opened up new perspectives reagarding the research of Vlachs/Morlacchi within historiography, mainstream views largely excluded an economic perspective of Morlacchism, focusing mainly on such concepts as „civilization“ and „barbarism“, without critical reflection as to what constitutes these concepts. The main focus of this paper is, therefore, the analysis of Morlacchism through the analytical apparatus of historical imagology (the analysis of text, intertextual relations and context), but with special regard to physiocracy as an economic doctrine, the influence of which can be seen in the texts of Fortis and Lovrić. The Morlacchi as an economic Other are analyzed in the two texts through the topoi of economic irrationality, backwardness and autarchy, with supplemental topoi of gender roles and the representations of the peasant inhabitants of the Dalmatian coast. This complex imageme of the Morlacchi as an economic Other is later placed within intertextual relations: between the texts of Fortis and Lovrić, the famous text Tableau Economique by François Quesnay which represents the main theoretical tenets of physiocracy, and the texts of prominent Dalmatian physiocrats. The final stage of analysis shows the way in which Morlacchims fits into the political and economic context of 18th century Venetian Republic and Dalmatia, focusing on structural changes and particular economic measures conducted by the Venetian and Dalmatian patriciate, as well as on the similarities and differences between the biographies and lives of Fortis and Lovrić.
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