Novaković, Nikola.
The function of humor in the works of Thomas Pynchon.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Comparative Literature.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij književnosti, izvedbenih umjetnosti, filma i kulture)
[mentor Brlek, Tomislav].
Although numerous critics have recognized elements of humor in Thomas Pynchon’s works on the
level of both structure and plot, this reading aims to pay more attention to this insufficiently
explored aspect of the author’s stories and novels. The dissertation therefore studies the novels
Mason & Dixon (1997), Against the Day (2006), Inherent Vice (2009), and Bleeding Edge (2013)
with respect to the function of humor in each of them. The introduction outlines some of the more
common theories of humor, simultaneously showing how each of these can serve to explain some
functions of Pynchon’s humor. The introduction also attempts to show that each of the existing
theories of humor is actually at its most useful when utilized to explain why the reader laughs at
certain forms of humor. Since the aim of this dissertation is to focus on the specific functions of
Pynchon’s humor, the interpretations of each of the novels take as their starting point the works of
Northrop Frye and Mikahil Mikhailovich Bakhtin, especially the latter’s ideas about Menippean
satire and the carnivalesque explored in Problems of Dostoyevsky's Poetics (1963) and Rabelais
and His World (1968). After outlining the basic elements and characteristics of Menippean satire,
the dissertation will consider the general nature of Pynchon’s humor and show that its range
includes unusual syntaxt, wordplay, puns, acronyms, parodic names and titles, and a complex web
of allusions. Special attention will be paid to the use of irony and parody, while humor overall will
be read as an example of rhizome, as the concept is expounded by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
in Capitalism and Schizophrenia: A Thousand Plateaus (1980).
Following the introduction, the analysis of Against the Day will focus on the selfreferentiality
of humor and examine how it enables us to read Pynchon's work as historiographic
metafiction. Analysing specific examples, the reading will show that the text explores the idea that
history itself is a form of text, or a fictional document, open to interpretation. However, this section
will also show how humor subverts the reading of this novel as an historiographic metafiction,
mainly through the use of parody, therefore contributing to the text that we shall refer to as metametafiction,
or metafiction about metafiction. The next reading, focused on Mason & Dixon,
continues the topic of history and autoreferentiality, but with a pronounced emphasis on the
connection between humor and hybrids (on the level of both narrative and structure). By combining
historical events with fantastic characters, creatures and narratives, the text creates a carnivalesque
representation of history undoing clear-cut boundaries between the real and the imaginary, higher and lower social classes, life and death, the monstrous and biologically normal, therefore
accomplishing a subversion of certain attempts to homogenize society (such as the Enlightenment).
The analysis will also explore the question of whether or not the novel belongs to the tradition of
texts that expose the problem of writing an ideologically neutral representation of history through
the use of humor and metafictional, intertextual and other ludic devices. Using the aforementioned
concept of rhizome, the reading of Mason & Dixon will conclude by examining the various forms
of humor (especially comic allusions and jokes) as signals that set up a web of rhizomatic sections
and therefore destabilize different attempts at creating boundaries within the story.
The analysis of Inherent Vice will begin by examining the connections between humor,
space and identity, particularly by focusing on sections involving dark humor and the effects
significant changes (sometimes based on myths, and sometimes on the relationship of capitalism,
technology and politics) in the identity of space can have on the identity of communities and
individuals. Since popular culture plays an important role in this process, the reading will also
attempt to include the connection between humor, identity and television as a heterotopia used to
share popular culture with viewers. Humorous sections that contain representations of a society
zombified by television will be studied according to the principles governing heterotopias as
outlined by Michel Foucault. It will be shown that television is an ambivalent space, both a
mechanism suitable for spreading ideologically colored forms of behaviour, and a space for sharing
specific models of resistance to such behaviour. The reading will identify certain thematic and
structural characteristics present in two previous novels from Pynchon's California trilogy (The
Crying of Lot 49 (1965) and Vineland (1990)), and will therefore explore the connection between
humor and representations of utopias, including the way characters critically examine the successes
and failures of the sixties counterculture, which are, to an extent, part of the inherent vice of a
memory clouded by nostalgia. The reading will conclude by questioning the possibility of
regenerating damaged identities, while also paying close attention to the ambivalent nature of the
novel's ending as a result of a dystopian vision represented in a humorous tone.
Beginning from the novel's title, the next section of the dissertation focuses on irony in
Bleeding Edge as a dominant humorous form that emphasizes the importance of spectres in the
story. The reading of spectres will employ ideas put forth in Jacque Derrida's Specters of Marx:
The state of the debt, the work of mourning and the new international and show that the American
society of the early 2000s is represented as a society fixated on a nostalgic view of the past, specifically the golden years of dotcom. The nostalgia of that society is the subject of numerous
ironic and parodic anecdotes focusing on the habits of a nation of viewers and spectators addicted
to the TV screen and the 90s popular culture, a period the cultural remains of which it continually
rehearses in an attempt to uncover patters for the new formation of its destabilized identity. Shown
in an ironic light, nostalgia serves to hide the traumatic reality of America still recovering from the
dotcom crash, which is why the past is simultaneously present and absent as a source of a trauma
intensified by the market politics that finds only financial value in the identities of people and
places. The analysis will pay close attention to the function of the Internet and the comic sections
of the novel in which characters express a desire for finding or creating a space freed from control,
supervision and paranoia, especially paranoia created by the strict state control following 9/11, an
event that functions as another of the novel's spectres. In the time period of the plot there is a
widespread feeling that different spaces of freedom (mostly represented by the Internet and the
Deep Web) are beginning to disappear, while also being replaced by structures controlled by the
government and capitalism, which is one of the reasons why characters are searching for new
methods of resistance. Although the analysis will show that such methods lack actual political
subversiveness (therefore recalling similar countercultural patterns in Pynchon's previous novels),
it will explore the possibilty of reading humor as a textual element that destabilizes dystopian
readings of the events of the novel, thus achieving an ambivalent image of the future of the USA.
The conclusion of the dissertation will offer an overview of the insights achieved through
the analyses of the four novels, suggest new directions for exploring Pynchon's humor and
emphasize the importance of studying humor in literature in general.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
Thomas Pynchon, Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, humor, Menippean satire, parody,
irony, chronotope, meta-metafiction, autoreferentiality, identity, rhizome |
Subjects: |
Comparative literature |
Departments: |
Department of Comparative Literature |
Supervisor: |
Brlek, Tomislav |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij književnosti, izvedbenih umjetnosti, filma i kulture |
Date Deposited: |
07 Jul 2017 12:47 |
Last Modified: |
07 Jul 2017 12:47 |
URI: | |
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