Krajnović, Franka.
The relationship of teaching content and structure of motivation for learning.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Pedagogy.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij pedagogije)
[mentor Palekčić, Marko].
Relationship between of teaching content and structure of motivation for learning is a
dynamic process in which the transformations and enrichment of existing and developing of
new motives and interests is construed through students spontaneus experience of objective
(material) side of the content.
Specific influence of teaching content on learning is developed and constituted in a
concrete situation of teaching process. Therefore, the main problem of this research was to
determine the relationship between teaching content and motivation for learning with regards
to basic presumptions of Self determination theory. Main characteristics of this relationship are
based on Humboldt's theory of education, Herbart's theory of educational teaching,
Weniger'sTheory of Educational Contents and of the Syllabus and Klafki's theory of categorical
education. In that context, intrinsic motivation can be identified with self determined form of
motivation for learning which, by transforming the existing and developing new motives and
interests in education, attributes/gives pedagogicaly desirable direction to learning. To
determine some characteristics of the relationship between teaching content and motivation for
learning, we used the instrumentary of the self-determination theory and theory of interest on a
student population and also, we have used specially construed for this research, a scale for
measuring interest as chosen, possible outcome of learning in the domain of school
achievements. For the research sample we chose the appropriate sample (N=359) of two nursing
school students which included seven third-year classes and seven fourth year classes of nursing
schools Mlinarska and Vrapče in Zagreb.
The relationship between educational content and motivation for learning is determined
through three problem fields. In the first one we are answering the question of the relationship
between educational content and the structure of motivation for learning among nursing school
students with regard to basic principles of the self-determination theory. For the basic
descriptive parameters we chose regulative styles of motivation (amotivation, external,
introjected and identifiable regulation and also intrinsic motivation), self-perception in relation
to the subject, concern with regard to the subject and all three dimensions of interest (intrinsic,
emotional and value). In the second problem area we focused on establishing the contribution
of the learning environment perception to motivation and interestt for learning general and
vocational content among nursing school students. For basic descriptive parameteres we chose basic psychological needs (need for social
belonging, autonomy and competence), structure of teaching-learning proccess relevance of
content, purpose fulness of the subject, teacher involment and the level of difficulty of the
subject. In the third problem area the focus was on establishing the contribution and the
difference in contribution of different styles of interest and motivation regulation to school
achievments through measuring the achieved grade, satisfaction with the grade and the grading
system, and through interest for further learning of the subject's content.
By simple statistical processes of comparing arithmetic mean and correlations between
used descriptive parameters of learning motivation and interest for learning subjects Croatian
language and Nursing care, we confirmed the basic premise of the self-determination theory.
The same components of regulation of motivation in learning have been determined
empirically: external regulation (ER), introjected regulation (IR), identifying regulation (ID),
intrinsic motivation (IM) and amotivation (AM).
In learning Croatian language students relied the mostly on the introjected form of
motivation regulation while in learning Nursing care they relied mostly on external form of
motivation regulation.
Both forms of motivation regulation appertain to controlling, respectively, less
autonomos or self-determination form of motivation, and the starting differences in arithmetic
mean have been confirmed by calculating the index of relative autonomy which is of negative
value and slightly higher in Croatian language than in Nursing care. By further variance analysis
and post hoc comparison using Fisher LSD test, we proved how there are statistically significant
differences in the incidence of different regulation styles of motivation and interest in learning
different content within schools and among schools.
Contribution and difference in contribution of student perception of learning
environment to the learning motivation and interest for learning general and vocational content
among nursing school students in the second problem area was established through a series of
ten standard regression analyses
Parameters of perceived learning environment were used as dependent variables or
predictors while parameters of motivation and interest for learning were used as independent
variables. The results have shown how all used parameters of percieved learning environment
(autonomy support, competence support, social connection in the classroom relevance of
content that is learned, structure of teaching process, purpose fullness of the subject, engagement of teachers and subject difficulty) explain between 2.5% and 31.1% of the
motivation and interest variance (all three dimensions) for learning Croatian language and
Nursing care. More accurately, this set od predictors can be used to explain between 3.4% and
31.1% of motivation and interest for learning, while in Nursing care, it can be used to explain
between 2.5% and 28.3% of motivation and interest for learning. When the contribution of the
used set of predictors to the regulation forms of motivation is isolated, it is possible to use them
in explaining between 3.4% and 25.3% of learning motivation, and in Nursing care, between
2.5% and 23.5% of learning motivation. Also, when the contribution of used set of predictors
to the interest for learning, the interest being a stable personality charachteristic, it is possible
to explain between 16.6% and 31.1% of learning interest in Croatian language, and between
10.6% and 28.7% of learning interest in Nursing care.
Further, to establish the contribution and differences in contribution of different styles
of regulation of motivation and interest to school achievment measured through achieved grade,
dissatisfaction with the grade and grading system, and interest for further learning, we
conducted a test with a series of four standard regression analysis. As predictors and dependent
variables descriptive parameters of motivation and interest for learning were used, and as
independent variables parameters of school achievement measured through chosen outcomes
of learning: grade, disatisfaction with the grade and grading system, and also further interest
for learning educational content. On the basis of all the used predictors it is possible to explain
between 2.9% and 34.4% of student's acomplishment in two subjects variance. Also, on the
basis of this set od predictors it is possible to explain betweem 5.7% and 28.9% of the criterion
variance in the Croatian language and between 2.9% and 34.4% in Nursing care.
When we look at the contribution of regulation styles of motivation in learning different
content the contribution of intrinsic motivation is emphasised. Therefore, the remarkable
significance of intrinsic motivation for school learning was confirmed empirically by this
In Croatian language, the combination of this form of motivation (intrinsic, self
determind) with two dimensions of interest (value and intrinsic), and in Nursing care, the
combination of instrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, amotivation and value dimenson,
shows how intrinsic motivation as a factor of perceived learning environment in combination
with interest is especially significant in the development and enrichment of the existing motives
and interest for further learning of specific content. Although it is generally thought that intrinsically motivated learning is more desirable
in an academic context, our research shed a special light on the regulation of motivation for
learning in vocational schools for nurses. Namely, the set of variables that is connected with
the motivation for learning and interest in one subject doesn't have to apply in the same measure
to the motivation for learning and interest in the other subject. This additionally supports the
claim that learning is a process filled with meaning and that it reaches its full purpose when the
motivation is perceived as both the starting point and the outcome of teaching process.
Performing the activity for its own sake in the teaching process is not possible if we start from
the ideal image of a student who is interested (has an interest) for the educational content and
who contributes productively to the sucess of learning. This expression is meaningful only if
the motivation in the teaching process is considered to be inherently (intrinsic) determined, for
example to cognitive or affective area of learning. The object of learning what is learned
determines the nature of the appropriate (intrinsic) motivation. The implications of the research
of the relationship between educational content and motivation for learning content among
nursing school students can be numerous and different and can therefore influence the approach
and the direction of the research of the curriculum and teaching process in nursing education.
This research opened a new research area which can be meaningful for elucidation of
professional development and interest especially because vocational education is given special
relevance in contemporary discussions about education.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
teaching content, regulation styles of motivation, learning environment, school
achievments |
Subjects: |
Pedagogy |
Departments: |
Department of Pedagogy |
Supervisor: |
Palekčić, Marko |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij pedagogije |
Date Deposited: |
13 Jul 2017 07:33 |
Last Modified: |
13 Jul 2017 07:33 |
URI: | |
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