Gajić, Davor.
Multimodal meaning construal in visual media.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of English Language and Literature.
[mentor Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan].
In this paper I will deal with the meaning of music in video games. By means of introduction,
I will offer a brief history of music in games, after which I will dip into the concept of
immersion, and finish the introductory part with an explanation of the difference between the
linearity of movies and interactivity of video games. The main topics will be diegetic and
non-diegetic music, cultural models, and establishing identity through music. I will finish
with a discussion of the topics presented and will name some examples. I intend to show that
music can serve as a medium to carry meaning in video games, and explain our perception of
music when we experience it in this manner. I must note that I will focus on analysing music
that comes solely from gameplay and our perception of music in this dynamic environment. I
mention this because videogames sometimes also have cutscenes which most often serve as a
way to introduce the story to the player. However, cutscenes are essentially short videos, and
therefore do not require input from the player. As such they are beyond the scope of this
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