Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Institutional Repository
Items where Author is "Hebrang Grgić, Ivana"
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Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Ivanjko, Tomislav and Melinščak Zlodi, Iva and Mučnjak, Dorja. (2018). Citing in a digital environment : a handbook. Hrvatska akademska i istraživačka mreža – CARNET, Zagreb.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2011). Open Access to Scientific Information in Croatia : Increasing Research Impact of a Scientifically Peripheral Country. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken. ISBN 978-3-8443-1859-3
Book Section
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2018). The importance of openness for the development of science and higher education. In: Otvorenost u znanosti i visokom obrazovanju. Školska knjiga, Zagreb, pp. 7-18. ISBN 975-935-0-60044-7
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2015). Komunikacija putem časopisa u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj zajednici. In: Hrvatski znanstveni časopisi : iskustva, gledišta, mogućnosti. Školska knjiga, Zagreb, pp. 7-12. ISBN 978-953-0-61770-4
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2013). Social networking sites, libraries, users. In: Library, information and cultural heritage management : textbook : ERASMUS intensive program LibCMASS. State university of library studies and information technologies, Sofia.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2008). Cenzura : neizostavan čimbenik razvoja ljudske misli i društva. In: Aleksandru Stipčeviću s poštovanjem. Zavod za informacijske studije Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, pp. 135-166. ISBN 978-953-175-310-4
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. Bulgarian, Croatian, French and Turkish public libraries on Facebook : students' contributions. In: Library, information and cultural heritage management : textbook : ERASMUS intensive program LibCMASS. State university of library studies and information technologies, Sofia, pp. 184-190.
Conference proceedings
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2014). IL and Information Ethics: How to Avoid Plagiarism in Scientific Papers?. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-14135-0
Published conference work
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2018). Pronalaženje i vrednovanje znanstvenih informacija u školskim knjižnicama. In: XXX. Proljetna škola školskih knjižničara Republike Hrvatske.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2018). Hrvatski izdavači znanstvenih časopisa i dostupnost znanstvenih informacija. In: 21. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Grgić, Fran and Despot, Ivona. (2018). Implementing new technologies in publishing : enhanced printed books. In: 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 21-25 May 2018, Opatija, Croatia.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2017). LIS students and plagiarism in the networked environment. In: MIPRO 2017.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Barbarić, Ana. (2014). LIS Students' Diploma Theses as Digital Documents : Citation Analysis. In: Document numérique et société, 29. - 30. 4. 2013., Zagreb.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Špiranec, Sonja. (2013). Information Literacy of LIS Students at the University of Zagreb: Pros or Just Average Millennials. In: European Conference on Information Literacy, ECIL 2013, October 22-25, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Miočić, Petra. (2012). Searching for information sources: Students’ behaviour in electronic environment. In: MIPRO 2012 : 35th jubilee international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics, 21-25.05.2012., Opatija, Hrvatska.
Barbarić, Ana and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Horvat, Aleksandra. (2012). Ten years of the round table on free access to information : analysis of proceedings and programs. In: 11. okrugli stol o slobodnom pristupu informacijama Knjižnice u društvu znanja, 9. prosinca 2011., Zagreb.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2011). Usage of Open Access Institutional Repositories in Some of the European Peripheral Scientific Communities. In: 3rd International Conference "The Future of Information Sciences: INFuture2011 – Information Sciences and e-Society", 9-11 November 2011, Zagreb.
Tošić-Grlač, Sonja and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2011). Local collections in Croatian public libraries. In: 7. savjetovanje za narodne knjižnice u Republici Hrvatskoj, Šibenik.
Horvat, Aleksandra and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2010). Ethical Attitudes of Practicing Librarians and LIS Academics: Is There a Difference?. In: Globalization and the Management of Information Resources Conference.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2009). Open Access in Croatia : a Study of Authors' Perceptions. In: 2nd International Conference “The Future of Information Sciences: INFuture2009 – Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing”, 4-6 November 2009, Zagreb, Croatia.
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Barbarić, Ana and Džambaski, Iva. (2009). OA Repositories @ Special and Academic Libraries in Zagreb. In: 2nd International Conference “The Future of Information Sciences: INFuture2009 – Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing”, 4-6 November 2009, Zagreb, Croatia.
Conference presentation
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2017). Peer Review in Croatian Open Access Scholarly and Professional Journals: A Cross-Disciplinary Survey. In: Eight International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication : Enhancing the quality and credibility of science, 10.-12. 9. 2017., Chicago.
Manuscript or preprint
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. Open access citation advantage. [Manuscript or preprint] (Unpublished)
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. Organizacija i struktura znanstvenih tekstova kroz povijest : od tablice do tableta. [Manuscript or preprint] (In Press)
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2018). Professional and scientific publications of the Croatian Library Association : reders' interests and habits. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 61(2). pp. 29-46. ISSN 0507-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2017). The first half-century of the Croatian Library Association as a book publisher : series, editors in chief and editorial boards. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 60(1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 0507-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2016). Information literacy and open access in Croatian academic libraries. Library Review, 65(4/5). pp. 256-266. ISSN 0024-2535
Machala Poplašen, Lovela and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2016). Altmetric and bibliometric scores: does Open Access matter?. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML ), 5. ISSN 2241-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2015). Open access – deus ex machina for publishing scholarly journals?. Libellarium : časopis za istraživanje pisane riječi, knjige i baštinskih ustanova, 8(2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1846-9213
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2015). Publishing Croatian scientific journals: to e- or not to e-?. Libellarium : časopis za istraživanje pisane riječi, knjige i baštinskih ustanova, 8(1). pp. 93-100. ISSN 1846-9213
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Mučnjak, Dorja. (2015). Social Networking Phenomenon and Its Use in Libraries. Croatian Journal of Education : Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 17(1). pp. 217-241.
Krivić Lekić, Martina and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2015). Manuscripts Prepared by the Bjelovar State Archive Between 1961 and 1972. Radovi Zavoda za znanstvenoistraživački i umjetnički rad u Bjelovaru, 9. pp. 303-324. ISSN 1848-7912 (Online)
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2015). Croatian Library Association publishing activities and their impact on education of librarians. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 58(1/2). pp. 263-276. ISSN 0507-1925
Mihelčić Živanović, Dijana and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2015). Skrivena baština u hrvatskim školama : selektivna bibliografija pronađenih starih knjiga u OŠ Brod Moravice. Povijest u nastavi, 25(1). pp. 61-70. ISSN 1334-1375
Baier Jakovac, Anita and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2015). Informacijska (ne)pismenost : istraživanje mladih korisnika knjižnica u Vukovaru. Knjižničarstvo, 19(1/2). pp. 27-46. ISSN 1331-145X
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2014). Scholarly Journals at the Periphery: the case of Croatia. Learned Publishing, 27(1). pp. 15-20. ISSN 0953-1513
Petrec, Tatjana and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Krivić Lekić, Martina. (2013). Izdavačka djelatnost Državnog arhiva u Bjelovaru u kontekstu izdavaštva ostalih hrvatskih arhiva : bibliografija publikacija bjelovarskog arhiva. Arhivski vjesnik, 56. pp. 289-306. ISSN 0570-9008
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2013). Croatian school libraries on Facebook: meeting the needs of young library users. New Library World, 114(9/10). pp. 416-427. ISSN 0307-4803
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Mučnjak, Dorja. (2012). Croatian and Irish public libraries on Facebook. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML ), 1(3). pp. 267-275. ISSN 2241-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Živković, Daniela. (2012). Core competencies for academic reference librarians in Croatia. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML ), 1(3). pp. 247-256. ISSN 2241-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2011). Gifts as a Component of Collection Building Activities in Croatian Public Libraries. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 54(3). pp. 95-106. ISSN 0507-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2011). Gifts in Croatian public and academic libraries. Collection Building, 30(4). pp. 45-54. ISSN 0160-4953
Barbarić, Ana and Hebrang Grgić, Ivana and Horvat, Aleksandra. (2007). Methodological and content aspects of scientific and research papers published in Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske from 1998 to 2006. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 50(4). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0507-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2007). 17th century – a turning point in the development of modern science. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 50(1/2). pp. 89-95. ISSN 0507-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2007). Bibliographic data and the accessibility of research papers in Croatian scientific journals. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 50(1/2). pp. 79-88. ISSN 0507-1925
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. (2000). Zakoni o tisku u Hrvatskoj od 1945. do danas. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 43(3). pp. 117-134. ISSN 0507-1925