Rimac Jurinović, Maša.
Process drama in modern school's curriculum.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij hrvatske kulture)
[mentor Gruić, Iva and Hrvatić, Neven].
Modern educational and teaching practices require new approaches to achieving educational
and teaching objectives. Today, it is no longer possible to envision education being carried out
in schools, without taking into consideration the achievements of pedagogy and didactics. On
the other hand, nor is it possible to actively participate in the process of education, without
taking into consideration the achievements of modern society. In order to comprehend the
context of the current educational practices, this dissertation studies pedagogy and its key
determiners. In order to understand the educational practices themselves, it is also necessary to
study the history of pedagogy and the development of education in relation to pedagogic and
educational accomplishments. This dissertation also deals with the concept of modern
elementary education, the planning and creation of elementary school curriculum, and the
concept of methodological approaches and new ways of ensuring success for every student, in
accordance with his or her capabilities. Today, we define and measure students'
accomplishments via their competencies, which is prescribed by the National curriculum
framework for pre-school education, general compulsory and secondary education. Thus, it is
necessary to point out the latest theoretical understandings and complement them with the
practical know-how about the competencies of both the teachers and students. This dissertation
extensively studies the concept of curriculum in theory, while the research carried out aims at
contributing to the educational practices, as the National curriculum framework is an umbrella
document that is being implemented, checked and adjusted in schools. Finally, a special
attention is paid to the school curriculum as well, since this document and concept proscribes
how to improve education in schools and how to make schools stand out owing to the quality
of education that they provide. It is the school curriculum that makes schools distinctive and
recognisable in their approach to education. The school head and his or her management team
play the key role in developing the school curriculum – however, the teachers' contributions
must not be neglected either. Moreover, they should be encouraged to participate more actively
in the creation of activities implemented by the school curriculum. We focused on one of the
possible approaches to enriching the school curriculum - the use of drama activities in
educational practices. Although drama in education is present in Croatian schools, it is not
systematically applied in the process of achieving educational and teaching goals, while it is an
integral part of the school curricula around the world. In spite of this, a certain number of
teachers in Croatian schools engage in the practical use of drama in their lessons; however,
these lessons are not held on a regular basis. In addition to this, drama education is rarely the subject of scientific or professional research in Croatia, which is the reason for terminological
ambiguity. So, in first part of the investigation presented in this dissertation, we aim to put an
end to this phenomenon but also to provide the drama educators and theorists with
systematically organised terminology, applicable in drama education inside and outside
schools. In the second part of the investigation, we examine the presence of different drama
fields in Curriculum for elementary school and National curriculum framework. The aim of this
part of the investigation is to analyse the practical use of drama in today’s schools.
The third, the most elaborated part of the investigation, deals with the use of process drama in
schools. The use of drama in education is not subject-limited; it may be cross-curricular, that
is, drama in education can be used for the purpose of inter-subject correlation, which is
proclaimed by this dissertation. Process drama is a method of teaching and learning through
drama with a specific feature – the imaginary dramatic world gets created during the process of
dramatic play. There are several recognisable features of process drama: the participation of the
whole class, lack of audience and active participation of the teacher. Furthermore, process
drama is organised in stages that consist of dramatic play and non-dramatic parts – stepping out
of the role is what makes non-dramatic episodes possible. Due to its structure, process drama
can integrate very different teaching and educational goals. The effectiveness of process drama
has been explored worldwide and it has proved to be effective and useful. Based on this
scientific evidence, process drama has been chosen as a methodological approach for the
empirical part of the investigation presented in this dissertation, which is structured around the
question: can process drama be used to encourage prosocial behaviour and decrease aggressive
behaviour in schools.
Therefore, the third part of the investigation has the following aims: (1) to investigate if the use
of process drama can affect the development of prosocial behaviour, and the decrease of
aggressive behaviour in schools; (2) to investigate (possible) differences induced by two
different approaches towards main problem: direct approach and an analogy-based approach
(The direct approach uses the motives and scenarios that the students can easily relate to in their
personal and everyday lives. The analogy-based approach uses various way of distancing (in
time and/or space) from the key issue.); (3) to investigate the students' attitude towards the use
of process drama in schools. For the purposes of this research, three hypotheses have been
proposed: The use of process drama will stimulate the development of prosocial behaviour and the decrease of antisocial behaviour of elementary school students.; Direct approach and an analogy-based approach will have different impact on students. (The aim is to establish which approach is more effective.); The students will have a positive attitude towards the use of process drama in their classroom.
The research investigated the relationship between the independent variables, direct and
analogy-based approaches in process drama, and the dependent variables of prosocial behaviour
and aggressive behaviour. In addition, the differences between the impact of the direct and
analogy-based approaches were compared. The students' attitude towards the use of process
drama is explained in the descriptive analysis.
The research was carried out in one elementary school in Zagreb, six classes were included,
comprising 12-to-14-year-old students (seventh-graders and eighth-graders). Total number of
included participants was 124.
The quantitative data for the analysis were collected at the beginning and at the end of the
process drama workshops. The qualitative data were collected during the research via various
process drama techniques and the constructed attitudes scale. The data were subjected to a
statistical descriptive analysis and an analysis of covariance. The results of the statistical
analysis showed that the use of process drama did not affect the development of prosocial
behaviour or the decrease of aggressive behaviour among the students. The difference in the
manifested aggressive behaviour between the group subjected to the analogy-based approach
and the other two groups represents a statistically significant finding. However, this was found
to be an artefact. The results of the qualitative analysis confirmed that the students had a positive
attitude toward the use of process drama techniques, regardless of the approach. Because the
findings did not suggest that the use of process drama affected students’ behaviour, it the final
discussion different aspects of understanding of process drama and the possibilities of its use in
educational context, are examined. The students’ feelings of pleasure and success should not
be ignored in such evaluation of this methodological approach, because they create positive
atmosphere in classroom.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
drama pedagogy; drama in education; drama culture; drama expression and
drama creativity; methods and techniques of drama; National curriculum framework for preschool education; general compulsory and secondary education; pedagogic theories of education and learning; teaching practice; direct and analogy-based approach; prosocial and
aggressive behaviour; school curriculum; process drama techniques; curriculum theory |
Subjects: |
Pedagogy |
Departments: |
Department of Croatian Language and Literature |
Supervisor: |
Gruić, Iva and Hrvatić, Neven |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij hrvatske kulture |
Date Deposited: |
09 Jan 2019 12:26 |
Last Modified: |
09 Jan 2019 12:26 |
URI: |
http://darhiv.ffzg.unizg.hr/id/eprint/10743 |
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